The Clan tells the story of the Puccio family who, in the 1980s, spread terror in Buenos Aires by kidnapping and murdering several people. The family is an ordinary, average middle-class family in the most traditional part of the Argentine capital. But the patriarch of the family, Arquímedes, aspires to be part of the upper class.
After the Falklands War is over and Arquímedes is no longer needed at the state intelligence office, he is drawn to crime, and he does not shy away from anything in reaching his family's goal.
The Clan is a critically acclaimed story of greed, family, and the thin line between love and brutality. The film won the Silver Lion for Best Director at the Venice Film Festival.
Please confirm your loan of this film by entering the PIN of your library card. (Due to Deichman's transition to a new library system, borrowers from Deichman must also use a PIN code when confirming loans from now on.)
You have unused loans this month, but your library has a limit of the total amount of loans that can be used by all loaners each month. That limit has been reached. We have notified your library, but if it chooses not to increase the limit, you cannot loan any more films this month, even if you have not used up your individual loans unfortunately.
Contact your library for more info
Library not connected to the service
Hey! To be able to borrow movies via Viddla your library need to be connected to the service. Right now this is not the case, but you can contact your library and tell them about Viddla!
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