France, 1942. In a small village in the Pyrenees, the young shepherd Jo discovers more Jewish children hidden on a farm run by a widow and her son-in-law Benjamin. The latter has lost contact with his daughter Anya, and hopes to find her one day. While waiting, he helps the young Jewish children they protect escape to Spain. But suddenly their mission is disrupted by the Germans, when one day they roll into the village...
Waiting for Anya is a large-scale drama based on a novel by Michael Morpurgo, who also wrote the Steven Spielberg-directed War Horse. The cast includes prominent names such as Oscar winner Anjelica Huston, French action star Jean Reno, and Thomas Kretschmann from Balloon in the role of German corporal. In addition, the shooting star Noah Schnapp (Stranger Things) is seen in the role of the young shepherd Jo, and Frederick Schmidt from Mission Impossible plays the Jew Benjamin.
Please confirm your loan of this film by entering the PIN of your library card. (Due to Deichman's transition to a new library system, borrowers from Deichman must also use a PIN code when confirming loans from now on.)
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