
Out Of Tune

89 minutes 2019 5.8

Financier and jet setter Markus Føn is remanded in custody for financial fraud, but after a brutal assault, he chooses to go into voluntary isolation with the weakest inmates. Here there is a hierarchy led by Niels - the prison choir's self-appointed leader. Markus quickly discovers that the road to a comfortable life in the isolation ward goes through the choir, but Niels is not ready to share power with anyone.

The film is not playable outside of Norway
Original title: De Frivillige
Category: Feature Film
Genre: Drama, comedy
Actors: Anders Matthesen, Jakob Ulrik Lohmann, Christopher Læssø, Anders Brink Madsen, Jesper Groth
Director: Frederikke Aspöck
Producer: Senia Dremstrup
Photo: Louise McLaughlin
Music: Rasmus Bille Bähncke
Script: Lars Husum
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish