
Les cowboys

104 minutes 2015 6.7

The year is 1998. At a country festival in the country in France, Alain and his teenage daughter Kelly stand on stage and sing the melancholy "Tennessee Waltz". This will be the last time Alain sees her daughter - soon after she is gone. At home, her parents find a letter from her: She has run away with her boyfriend, a Muslim boy, and asks them not to look for her. The father is convinced that she has been abducted against her will. Obsessed with the desire to find her, he embarks on a journey that takes him to Yemen and Syria - without result.

The film is not playable outside of Norway
Category: Feature Film
Genre: Drama
Actors: François Damiens, Finnegan Oldfield, Agathe Dronne, Ellora Torchia
Director: Thomas Bidegain
Producer: Alain Attal
Script: Noé Debré, Thomas Bidegain
Country: France
Language: French