An unconventional friendship develops, between the leader of a concentration camp, Klaus, and the young Belgian Jew Gilles. To avoid being shot, Gilles lies in desperation that he is Persian and undertakes to teach Klaus a language he only pretends to know. Gilles is arrested by the SS along with other Jews and sent to a German concentration camp. He avoids execution by swearing to the guards that he is not Jewish, but Persian. He is recruited to teach Farsi to the camp commander. The two men develop a friendship, which causes anger and jealousy from the other prisoner and the tenant's SS guards. Gilles understands that he will not be able to keep his secret for very long.
Please confirm your loan of this film by entering the PIN of your library card. (Due to Deichman's transition to a new library system, borrowers from Deichman must also use a PIN code when confirming loans from now on.)
You have unused loans this month, but your library has a limit of the total amount of loans that can be used by all loaners each month. That limit has been reached. We have notified your library, but if it chooses not to increase the limit, you cannot loan any more films this month, even if you have not used up your individual loans unfortunately.
Contact your library for more info
Library not connected to the service
Hey! To be able to borrow movies via Viddla your library need to be connected to the service. Right now this is not the case, but you can contact your library and tell them about Viddla!
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